MODERN TECHNOLOGY MEETS ANCIENT WISDOM – The modern world explained through Buddhist Philosophy (on site + live online)

Talks and Seminar | H.E. Zong Rinpoche

In a world that relies more and more on technology to make everyday life easier and to solve global problems through technological innovation, we want to address the ethical questions that arise from this from the perspective of the ancient wisdom of Buddhist philosophy. We will take a look at cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and Second Life Metaverse, and discuss topics such as consciousness, karma and dependent arising with our spiritual director Zong Rinpoche, in order to find our way through the ever-growing jungle of rapidly evolving technologies.

Die moderne Welt erklärt durch buddhistische Philosophie

Seminar | S.E. Zong Rinpoche

In einer Welt, die sich mehr und mehr auf die Technologie verlässt, um den Alltag zu erleichtern und globale Probleme durch technologische Innovationen zu lösen, wollen wir die ethischen Fragen, die sich daraus ergeben, aus der Perspektive der alten Weisheit der buddhistischen Philosophie betrachten. Wir werfen einen Blick auf Spitzentechnologien wie Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Augmented Reality (AR) und Second Life Metaverse und diskutieren mit unserem spirituellen Leiter Zong Rinpoche Themen wie Bewusstsein, Karma und abhängiges Entstehen, um uns im immer größer werdenden Dschungel der sich rasant entwickelnden Technologien zurechtzufinden.

VAJRABHAIRAVA – SOLITARY HERO YAMANTAKA – Winter Course at Retreathaus Berghof with H. E. Zong Rinpoche (onsite only)


Rinpoche will grant us a full Highest Anuttarayoga Tantra initiation in Vajrabhairava, Solitary Hero Yamantaka. Vajrabhairava is one of the most practiced meditation deities. It belongs to the father tantra and the method aspect, compassion and bodhicitta, is particularly emphasized. He is also the wrathful manifestation of Manjushri, the embodiment of the wisdom of all Buddhas. The practice of Vajrabhairava presents the means to quickly overcome obstacles for our Dharma practice and to achieve enlightenment. The daily practice commitment is the recitation of the Six Session Guru Yoga.


Rinpoche wird uns eine vollständige Höchste Anuttarayoga Tantra Einweihung in Vajrabhairava, Alleinstehender Held Yamantaka, geben. Vajrabhairava ist eine der am meisten praktizierten Meditationsgottheiten. Er gehört zum Vater-Tantra und der Methodenaspekt, Mitgefühl und Bodhicitta, wird besonders betont. Er ist auch die zornvolle Manifestation von Manjushri, der Verkörperung der Weisheit aller Buddhas. Die Praxis von Vajrabhairava stellt ein Mittel dar, um Hindernisse für unsere Dharma-Praxis schnell zu überwinden und Erleuchtung zu erlangen. Die tägliche Praxisverpflichtung ist die Rezitation des Sechs-Sitzungen-Guru-Yoga.

The Foundation of all Perfections / Die Basis aller Vollkommenheiten (live online) | H. E. Zong Rinpoche

Beginning of the Sunday afternoon Dharma-Talks with H. E. Zong Rinpoche

During the coming winter months, our spiritual director, H.E. Zong Rinpoche, will be giving a few Sunday afternoon Dharma Talks. He will give an introduction into the famous text of Je Tsongkhapa “The Foundation of all Perfections”(Deutsch: die Basis der Qualitäten). The next online ZOOM-session will be on Sunday, January 21st from 15.00 till16.00 CET.

Three Hundred Verses of Introduction to Buddhism, Thirty-Seven Practices of the Bodhisattvas and Green Tara blessing rb (on site and live online)

Seminar | H. E.  Dagyab Kyabgön Rinpoche, Shenphen Rinpoche

In this classic text on training the mind, the author Thokme Zangpo provides a practical guide for those people seeking to travel the path of enlightenment. In 37 verses, the day-to-day behavior of a Bodhisattva is vividly laid out. Shenphen Rinpoche will teach on site at the Berghof in the mornings and will be translated from Tibetan into German (with translation into English).

In the afternoon, Dagyab Rinpoche will teach on Three Hundred Verses of Introduction to Buddhism via Zoom, in English (with German translation). This text, written by Dagyab Rinpoche himself, is a fundamental teaching on understanding the purpose of Buddhism.

On Saturday, 27 July, Shenphen Rinpoche will grant a blessing in Green Tara (on site only)

The Middle Way View (on site and live online)

Public Talk | H. E. Zong Rinpoche

The Middle Way is a fundamental concept in Buddhist philosophy that aims to avoid extremes in our path to enlightenment as well as in our understanding of reality. This view should help us to understand that we will not achieve our spiritual goals through self-indulgence or self-denial, but only if we follow a middle path or the so-called Noble Eightfold Path. In this talk H.E. Zong Rinpoche will give us an introduction to the profound concept of the Middle Way View and how we can apply this view in our daily lives.

Transforming the Mind Through Lojong and Tara Blessing (on site and live online)

Seminar | H. E. Zong Rinpoche

Lojong can perhaps best be characterized as a method for transforming our mind by turning away from self-centeredness and cultivating instead the mental habits that generate bodhicitta, the awakened mind that puts the benefit of others above all else. On Sunday a Tara Blessing will be granted.